Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Bird Box Complete and Shipped!

The custom bird box that I created with Jonathan Grauel (Woven Narratives) for the Put A Bird On It project is now complete and on its way to the good folks at We Make in Portland, USA. Here is the complete box, followed by a few process images. Jonathan did a great job with the quirky construction, from a design we cobbled together during a Skype video chat.


Kirklees PrimaryArt said...

Wow I really love these!!! Just going to forward link to Simon Pedley Countryside Officer...

Kirklees PrimaryArt said...

Kirklees PrimaryArt said...
Wow I really love these!!! Just going to forward link to Simon Pedley Countryside Officer...

botanicals said...

Great! Would love to se some of these in Kirklees!!